Is henry a Hero?

Journal #2

Henry tells us of Ettore, an Italian-American who had received numerous medals, “He was a legitimate hero who bored every one he met” (p. 124).

  1.  What concept of heroism does Hemingway present through Henry and others?
  2. Could Catherine be considered a hero? If so, what kind of hero?
  3. Does Hemingway depict Henry as an anti-hero? Give examples to support your argument.

(definition of an anti-hero: In fiction, an antihero is generally considered to be a protagonist whose character is at least in some regards the opposite of a typical hero, and is in some instances its antithesis, but elicits considerable sympathy and/or admiration. It is a main character in a dramatic or narrative work who is characterized by a lack of traditional heroic qualities, yet is portrayed as the hero in the story. 

  • An example would be the character Dexter Brown.  He is a serial killer.  Although he is a murderer (bad) he only kills bad people.)


About nborges24

Language Arts department chair at Miami Lakes Educational Center. I teach English I, Journalism and AP Literature. Adviser to the school newspaper -- The Harbinger -- as well as the school yearbook, Alpha & Omega.
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