Questions to consider

A. In this section, Henry implies that he “believes in nothing.” Is this view the result of his war experience? Compare Henry’s actions and comments in Book I to those in Book III and finally, to how he’s acted throughout Book IV. How has he, and how have his views, evolved? If this view has not evolved from life experiences, is Rinaldi correct when he says, “We all start complete”? Is Hemingway giving us a novel based on Rinaldi’s philosophy? Is Henry an existentialist?

Then, on page 249, there is a LONG pivotal passage that begins with “That night…”

C. Explain the passage. Describe the significance/symbolism of the night vs day images. When was the last time that he spoke about something like this? (Think about the conversation with the priest about Abruzzi, page 13). Why is it significant that he’s talking like this again? What does he mean? Explain. Do you agree with him? Explain why or why not / defend your answer.
D. He talks about his love for Catherine, about loneliness versus contentment. When was he lonely before? How has that changed? Why? Do you agree with what he says about being lonely with many people? Explain using his experiences.

E. One of the most quoted passages of the entire novel is where he says: “If people bring so much courage to this world the world has to kill them to break them…. But there will be no special hurry.” Find this passage in your book. Break it down. Explain it. What does he mean? Why does he say this here? Finally, do you agree with him? Explain why/why not.

About nborges24

Language Arts department chair at Miami Lakes Educational Center. I teach English I, Journalism and AP Literature. Adviser to the school newspaper -- The Harbinger -- as well as the school yearbook, Alpha & Omega.
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