Essay on Oedipus

Consider the character of Oedipus in light of Aristotle’s theory of tragedy. Aristotle’s mark of great tragic heroes is that they shouldn’t be “good men…passing from prosperity to misfortune… nor evil men rising to prosperity.” According to Aristotle a great tragic hero “is the man who on the one hand is not preeminent in virtue and justice, and yet on the other hand does not fall into misfortune through vice or depravity, but falls because of some mistake” or character flaw, tragic flaw in personality. Aristotle also notes the importance of a tragic hero to “elicit human sympathy.” Do you agree with Aristotle that Oedipus’s misfortune is brought about by a character flaw or it was fate? How effective is the character of Oedipus in eliciting “human sympathy?” Use evidence from the play (quotes) to support your thesis.

Cite evidence of Oedipus’s character that he is at once “virtuous” and in many ways a symbol of greatness and “flawed,” and/or evidence that explains Oedipus’s downfall as the result of a character flaw or the result of fate beyond human control.

About nborges24

Language Arts department chair at Miami Lakes Educational Center. I teach English I, Journalism and AP Literature. Adviser to the school newspaper -- The Harbinger -- as well as the school yearbook, Alpha & Omega.
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